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State and Tribal Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and (THPO) consultations



Archeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA) looting investigations



National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility assessments



Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preseravation Act (NHPA)


Federal Laws Regarding Cultural Resources 


Boston Mountain Archeology is equipped to handle many of your federal cultural resource compliance needs. We are experienced with cultural resource management needs at the Project Management level, and may be consulted, regarding the following federal laws and regulations:

National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) compliance/consultation


Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)




Boston Mountain Archeology offers a full range of cultural resource management services for private industry, individuals, organizations, tribal governments, local, state, or federal agencies. 

-Archeological Surveys
-Project Area Evaluation
-Artifact Analyses and Curation
-Collections Management
-Cultural Resource Site Recording
-Culture-Historical Synthesis
-SIte Significance Testing
-Site Management Plans
-Report Preparation
-Prepare Written Documents or           Media for Lay Audience
-Global Positioning System (GPS)     -Geographical Information Systems   (GIS) Mapping
-Cemetary Documentation
-Archival Research and Digitization
-Document Scanning
-Locating, Delineating, and Marking   Archeological Sites and Features


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