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I am a broadly trained and experienced archeologist and cultural resource manager. My professional experience includes academic, federal agency, and contract environments. 


My academic background includes a Bachelor of Arts in History with distinction from Hendrix College, a Master of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, and was a Doctoral Scholar in Anthropology/Archeology while continuing to work in the field. My anthropological skills also include ethnographic fieldwork, museum studies and ethnohistorical research and writing.​ I am skilled in historiography, historical research, and writing with primary and secondary sources, and have extensively studied numerous periods of history and prehistory. 

In the Cultural Resource Archeology (CRM) profession, I have worked in large corporate, small business, and federal land management environments. Project areas have included transportation right-of-ways, lake expansions, riparian area repair, linear pipelines, seismic corridors, timber stands, recreation areas, communication towers, commercial development areas, site salvage, etc. 

I meet and exceed the Secretary of Interior's Standards defining education and experience required to perform identification, evaluation, registration, and treatment activities as a professional Archeologist and Historian. I know the importance of hard work, being cost effective, and creating high quality deliverables.

Ethics and Responsibility to Clients


Boston Mountain Archeology abides by the Code of Standards set out by the Register of Professional Archeologists (RPA).


An archaeologist shall:

-respect the interests of her/his employer or client, so far as is consistent with the public welfare and this Code and Standards;

-refuse to comply with any request or demand of an employer or client which conflicts with the Code and Standards;

-recommend to employers or clients the employment of other archaeologists or other expert consultants upon encountering archaeological problems beyond her/his own competence;

-exercise reasonable care to prevent her/his employees, colleagues, associates and others whose services are utilized by her/him from revealing or using confidential information. Confidential information means information of a non-archaeological nature gained in the course of employment which the employer or client has requested be held inviolate, or the disclosure of which would be embarrassing or would be likely to be detrimental to the employer or client. Information ceases to be confidential when the employer or client so indicates or when such information becomes publicly known.


An archaeologist shall not:

-reveal confidential information, unless required by law;

-use confidential information to the disadvantage of the client or employer;

-use confidential information for the advantage of herself/himself or a third person, unless the client consents after full disclosure;

-accept compensation or anything of value for recommending the employment of another archaeologist or other person, unless such compensation or thing of value is fully disclosed to the potential employer or client;

-recommend or participate in any research which does not comply with the requirements of the Standards of Research Performance.


source: employers and clients

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